Author Guidelines
- Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- All the delegates/authors must carry at least valid ID card with them for the Conference.
- Each paper, in order to be published requires at least one author to be registered and to present the paper.
- If multiple authors of a paper wish to attend the conference, separate registration will be mandatory for each author.
- If an author has got more than one accepted papers, each paper has to be registered separately.
- It is mandatory to present the paper during conference for submission to Springer or Bentham Science publications.
- Only registered authors can participate in conference and present their papers.
- Certificate of presentation will be issued to the registered author(s) only.
- In case the registered author is unable to present the paper, another co-author can present (With prior intimation). In such cases certificate and registration kit will be provided to the presenter only.
- Organizing Committee reserves the right at all times to make any changes to the SITGSD-2023 Conference Program/Schedule in its sole discretion.
- Organizing Committee will not assume any responsibility whatsoever for any damage or injury to persons or property during the Conference.
- For student/research scholars registration, students should send the scanned copy of the Identity Card along with the registration form.
- Accepted, registered, and presented papers will be submitted to Journal for publication purpose. Publisher will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published.
- Each attendee will be issued with a certificate of participation based on original registration (person who paid/registered). The name printed on the certificate will be based on the easy chair registration. Any changes without prior notification will incur extra charges for reproduction of certificates at INR 100/ USD 10.
- No request for authorship cancellation and refund will be accepted (the same applies if you are unable to participate due to VISA problems). However, a alteration made by the presenter will be accepted with a written mail send toĀ